Wednesday, June 12, 2019

How multiple parameter pass using IN operator in oracle report

There's a hero that comes to rescue, and his name is lexical parameter.
You said that your query looks like this:
select * 
where Table_ID in (:P_IDLIST)
Report already contains parameter named p_idlist. Now create another one, manually; let's call it lex_idlist. Its datatype should be character, its length somewhat larger than p_idlistparameter's (for example, if p_idlist is character(50), make lex_idlist character(70)).
Then rewrite query as follows:
select *
from cep_table
Go to After Parameter Form trigger which should look like this:
function AfterPForm return boolean is
:lex_idlist := 'where table_id in (' || :p_idlist || ')';
return (TRUE);

select * from 

1. create param1, param2, param3
2. create lexical parameter param1
3. After Parameter Form trigger fuction

Saturday, June 8, 2019

How to Domain Mapping in oracle apex

Domain Mapping / Redirection / CNAME
To access your application with your own domain name, please add a CNAME record for your MaxApex server hostname in your domain control panel and open a ticket to Technical Support. Make sure to mention your application ID and landing page you want to map with your domain name. To create CNAME record do the following:

1. Login to your domain control panel of the registrar where you bought your domain from.
2. Go to DNS or Domain Manager
3. Click to add a new Record
4. Select CNAME as Record Type
4. In the host name field type the subdomain of the address you want to use for your application hosting at MaxApex. For example, if you picked as your address, enter www here.
5. Enter MaxApex's server name e.g. (a dot in the end) in the Destination/Points to field.
6. Specify a TTL or use the default setting of 1 hour.

How to install and configure Oracle Apex 24.1 with ORDS 22, Tomcat 9 and Jasper Report 7 on Oracle Linux 8.10

#########################Install Oracle  APEX 24.1################################ ----------------------------------------------------...