1. Function and Global Variable Declaration
* Dick Dral - Detora @ 2016
/* Removes the class col-1, col-2 etc. from the div.
* This removes the fixed width from the div which gets its
* it's width from the content then
function remove_col_x_class( div )
for ( i = 1; i <= 12 ; i++ )
{ $(div).removeClass('col-'+i); }
return div;
/* This function returns the label or input container of an Apex item.
* These divs can be used to put content on one line.
function get_container_div ( colname, type )
type = ( type.toLowerCase() == 'label' ) ? 'label' : 'input';
var div = $('#'+colname.toUpperCase()+'_CONTAINER .t-Form-'+type+'Container');
return div;
function position_after ( itemName1, itemName2 )
input1 = remove_col_x_class( get_container_div(itemName1,'input') );
label2 = remove_col_x_class( get_container_div(itemName2,'label') );
input2 = remove_col_x_class( get_container_div(itemName2,'input') );
$(label2).insertAfter( $(input1) );
$(input2).insertAfter( $(label2) );
.2. Execute when Page Loads