Wednesday, July 17, 2019

report & column width fixed in oracle apex

report item ---
<span style="display:block; width:200px">#COLUMN_NAME_OF_REPORT#</span>

   width: 40% !important;    

   width: 15.5% !important;    


Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Position items next to each other in oracle apex

1. Function and Global Variable Declaration

 * Dick Dral - Detora @ 2016

/*  Removes the class col-1, col-2 etc. from the div.
 *  This removes the fixed width from the div which gets its
 *  it's width from the content then
function remove_col_x_class( div )
  for ( i = 1; i <= 12 ; i++ )
  { $(div).removeClass('col-'+i); }
  return div;

/* This function returns the label or input container of an Apex item.
 * These divs can be used to put content on one line.
function get_container_div ( colname, type )
  type = ( type.toLowerCase() == 'label' ) ? 'label' : 'input';
  var div = $('#'+colname.toUpperCase()+'_CONTAINER .t-Form-'+type+'Container');
  return div;

function position_after ( itemName1, itemName2 )
  input1 = remove_col_x_class( get_container_div(itemName1,'input') );
  label2 = remove_col_x_class( get_container_div(itemName2,'label') );
  input2 = remove_col_x_class( get_container_div(itemName2,'input') );
  $(label2).insertAfter( $(input1) );
  $(input2).insertAfter( $(label2) );


.2. Execute when Page Loads


Monday, July 15, 2019

New Feature in Oracle Apex 19.1

1) New Page Region Type: Form Region
i) Source = Table, SQL based, or PL/SQL returning SQL Query
ii) Page Item Source references Form Region (not Table synchronizes Page Items with Form Query
3) Write data using REST Enabled SQL
4) REST Enabling Database Objects
5) Improve Data Loading
7) Oracle JET 6.1.0
8) Status Meter Gauge (Replaces Dial Gauges)
9) Enhancement in Interactive Grids like Flashback etc.
10) Dynamic Actions – Addition of actions to open/close regions
11) App Builder Authentication – Can now use Social Login

12) Improved Translation Editing

Read only or disable a Datepicker field but Enable Date Icon in Oracle apex

Date item Properties 


Custom Attributes  :   readonly="readonly"  or disabled="disabled"  or  just disabled
or Custom Attributes:  onkeydown="return false"

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Prevent a duplicate page submit in oracle apex

1. Prevent duplicate page  using java-scripts
2. Prevent duplicate page using button disabled
3. Prevent duplicate page using page setting no
  • Before Page Submit
  • Execute java scripts code
$("body").append('<div class="ui-widget-overlay ui-front"/>');

$("body").append('<div class="ui-widget-overlay ui-front"/>'); apex.widget.waitPopup();

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Multiple Oracle APEX sessions in a browser

1. Open hosts  file
2.      apexdev01      apexdev02      apexdev03     


To generate a PDF using JavaScript in Oracle APEX from a collection

  To generate a PDF using JavaScript in Oracle APEX from a collection, you can follow these steps: 1. Create a button or link on your APEX p...