Saturday, May 6, 2017

Between 0 to 24 (TIMES)

--at_proc_mast ,in_time, out_time check
--time not between 0 to 24 or it is abave

select * from at_proc_mast where to_char(to_date(out_time,'HH24MISS'),'HH24:MI:SS') =out_TIME;

select * from at_proc_mast where to_char(to_date(IN_time,'HH24MISS'),'HH24:MI:SS') =In_TIME;

select * from at_proc_mast where out_time > '24%' and  at_dt >='25-feb-17'  -- 24% more time 

select * from at_proc_mast where out_time > '__59%' and  at_dt >='25-feb-17'  -- 24% more time

select * from at_proc_mast where out_time > '____59%' and  at_dt >='25-feb-17'  -- 24% more time

select length(in_time)>'6' from at_proc_mast and  at_dt >='25-feb-17'   -- HH24:MI:SS -8 char HH24MISS -6 char

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