Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Calling Oracle Reports from Oracle Form 12c collected

Calling Oracle Reports from Oracle Form 12c

This question has been Answered.
SPathak Expert
I want to call the report from Form , used the follwing query, which i got it from oracle fourm. but after running the form i am getting a error as REP-52005: The specified key does not exists in the key map file.

  rep_url varchar2(2000);
  rep_url:='http://sanjay:9002/reports/rwservlet?' ||'&report=C:\erp\pp\test.rdf' ||'&desformat=htmlcss&destype=cache' ||'&userid=erp/erp@erp'||'&otherparams=P_FRM_NAME=BEAM';


Correct Answer by Kalpataru on Apr 29, 2016 4:30 PM
You have not correctly edited the file security tag and job tag which i have given in my previous post.
Check and correct it all according to your path.
Step 1) rwservlet.properties file

Step 2) rwserver.conf in both this files

Comment like this this
Changes this
   to this

Step 3) rwnetwork.conf

Comment like this this
   --Put according to your host name

Step 4) Starting report server steps
First start this
C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home\user_projects\domains\base_domain\reports\bin>namingservice.bat 14021
Then report server
C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home\user_projects\domains\base_domain\bin\stopComponent.cmd your_report_server_name

I hope this time you will solve your problem.

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  • 1. Re: Calling Oracle Reports from Oracle Form 12c
    Michael Ferrante-Oracle Hero
    Although not related to your issue, why are not using RUN_REPORT_OBJECT?  Passing all those parameters (e.g. userid) in a URL is probably not a good design choice.


    Also note that if you decide to use RUN_REPORT_OBJECT you will need to set COMPONENT_CONFIG_PATH in default.env.  Refer to the Release Notes for more information.


  • 2. Re: Calling Oracle Reports from Oracle Form 12c
    Kalpataru Super Elite
    Have you checked your .rdf file this parameter P_FRM_NAME=BEAM is exists or not ?

    Try run this by changing desformat=pdf

  • 3. Re: Calling Oracle Reports from Oracle Form 12c
    SPathak Expert
    Sorry still its showing error.

    I need to create a very simple Query for Program at the current stage. from begining
    1. Created a report using Oracle 12c Report Builder for example (select countrycode,countryname from country) .
    2. On report Paper display its showing there is no problem , even i had not given any parameter rightnow
    3. but while doing this if i select in wizard to create both paper and web then there the system stops and it cloes the rpt builder.
    4. Now I had created a blank form with 1 button .
    5. under form there is a report option is there where i had written same parameter as it was shown in pdf file (http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/forms/documentation/integrating-forms11g-and-reports11g-1905204.pdf).
    6. Then write the code on when_button_pressed
    report_id Report_Object;
    ReportServerJob VARCHAR2(254);
    report_id := find_report_object('Report5');
    --SET_REPORT_OBJECT_PROPERTY(report_id,REPORT_OTHER,’p_deptno=‘||:Dept.Deptno||’ paramform=no’);
    ReportServerJob := run_report_object(report_id);

    When i run and click on button it gives a error as


  • 4. Re: Calling Oracle Reports from Oracle Form 12c
    Andreas Weiden Titan
    You have to check the reportserver-name. The port-number (9002) should not be included in it.

  • 5. Re: Calling Oracle Reports from Oracle Form 12c
    SPathak Expert
    dear andreas
    good day

    My report server name  is rep_wls_reports_sanjay.

    When i am running the program i am getting  a error as
    frm-41214 : unable to run report .
    Now i am using this code
    report_id Report_Object;
    ReportServerJob VARCHAR2(254);
    report_id := find_report_object('Report5');
    ReportServerJob := run_report_object(report_id);

    Now i am completely confused.Can you please explain how to check the report server name from dos prompt & what are the steps to check once again which will help me to run the reports from forms . 

    Report directly from report builder


  • 6. Re: Calling Oracle Reports from Oracle Form 12c
    Kalpataru Super Elite
    How are you starting your report server is it running or not ?
    Have you created the reportstoolsinstance and reportserverinstance ?
    Have you set COMPONENT_CONFIG_PATH in default.env file ?
    set like this COMPONENT_CONFIG_PATH=DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/components/ReportsToolsComponent/
    You have to set the full absolute path.
    The code which you have given above not have web.show_document.
    Have you written the web.show_document with the above code ?

    Check the below urls and you can see what is your report server and all this info

    The above url's will work after starting the your report server.

  • 7. Re: Calling Oracle Reports from Oracle Form 12c
    Andreas Weiden Titan
    Sorry, i'm still at 11G so i don't know the needed steps in 12C. I just saw the wrong reports-servername. Did you follow Michael's advice to the the reports-component-path?

  • 8. Re: Calling Oracle Reports from Oracle Form 12c
    SPathak Expert
    I checked urls where its asking about user name and password .
    In which folder default.env i should use to set the path.


  • 9. Re: Calling Oracle Reports from Oracle Form 12c
    Kalpataru Super Elite
    Dear SPathak,
       Don't always post such big screen sorts always it is not good unless and until you have asked to do so.
    If you properly post the error text with error number .

    Do the changes .
    Step 1) You will find the default.env in this folder fmwconfig path
    Set it like this

    Step 2) In rwservlet.properties file set

    Step 3) In rwserver.conf  file

    comment the security tag

    Remove the securityId="rwSec" in both of the job tags.

    After the changes restart all your servers and try again.

  • 10. Re: Calling Oracle Reports from Oracle Form 12c
    SPathak Expert
    Dear Kalpataru

    As per your instruction i had done the changes now i am getting the following error message

    REP-52266: The in-process Reports Server rep_wls_reports_sanjay failed to start.oracle.reports.RWException: IDL:oracle/reports/RWException:1.0


  • 11. Re: Calling Oracle Reports from Oracle Form 12c
    Kalpataru Super Elite
    Check in registry form report_temp what is value here, post here.
    Check this also [SOLVED] Oracle Reports won't start (Win32)
    In which way you are starting the report server ?
    You are not giving details info at once .
    Check you report server log and node manager log file and post here.

  • 12. Re: Calling Oracle Reports from Oracle Form 12c
    SPathak Expert
    Dear Kalpataru

    1. Report_temp path in registery is c:\temp
    2. find here below log
    I checked the rwserver.conf file but i didnt see  '--' on line 24

    Log File
    29-Apr-2016 16:21:48 WAT (Incident Error)
    Message ID    REP-56126
    Message Level    1
    Partition Name    DOMAIN
    Tenant Name    GLOBAL
    ECID    0000LHYb8DTFg4WFLzbQ8A1N8qpa000009
    Relationship ID    0:1:1
    Component    WLS_REPORTS
    Module    oracle.reports.server
    Host    Sanjay
    Host IP Address
    Thread ID    1074
    Message    REP-56126 : The server config file c:\app\Oracle\config\domains\erp\config\fmwconfig\servers\WLS_REPORTS\applications\reports_12.2.1\configuration\rwserver.conf cannot be parsed.
    Supplemental Detail    '--' is not allowed in comments.
    At Line :24 :Column :1

    oracle.reports.RWException: IDL:oracle/reports/RWException:1.0
    at oracle.reports.utility.Utility.newRWException(Utility.java:1016)
    at oracle.reports.server.ServerConfig.open(ServerConfig.java:403)
    at oracle.reports.server.RWServer.startServer(RWServer.java:736)
    at oracle.reports.server.RWServer.run(RWServer.java:340)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)


  • Correct Answer 13. Re: Calling Oracle Reports from Oracle Form 12c
    Kalpataru Super Elite
    You have not correctly edited the file security tag and job tag which i have given in my previous post.
    Check and correct it all according to your path.
    Step 1) rwservlet.properties file

    Step 2) rwserver.conf in both this files

    Comment like this this
    Changes this
       to this

    Step 3) rwnetwork.conf

    Comment like this this
       --Put according to your host name

    Step 4) Starting report server steps
    First start this
    C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home\user_projects\domains\base_domain\reports\bin>namingservice.bat 14021
    Then report server
    C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home\user_projects\domains\base_domain\bin\stopComponent.cmd your_report_server_name

    I hope this time you will solve your problem.

  • 15. Re: Calling Oracle Reports from Oracle Form 12c
    SPathak Expert
    Dear Kalpataru
    Good day,

    I had updated all the files as per above your given instruction , but still i am unable to run the report ,
    If i try to check from browser
    Getting error as  checked all the possiblilites
    Error: REP-52262: Diagnostic output is disabled.


  • 16. Re: Calling Oracle Reports from Oracle Form 12c
    Kalpataru Super Elite
    Do this.
    Edit the file rwservlet.properties located on
    Have a look to this doc to know more about it https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E12839_01/bi.1111/b32121/pbr_conf003.htm#CHDHEBDG

    Add the following parameter

    Restart the WLS_REPORTS Server and all server as well.
    Check again.

  • 17. Re: Calling Oracle Reports from Oracle Form 12c
    SPathak Expert
    Dear Kalpataru
    Thanks Now i am able to see the jobstatus from browser by giving url as http://sanjay:9002/reports/rwservlet/showjobs .

    Comming to old problem running the reports from form . I checked all the options but still getting a error as


  • 18. Re: Calling Oracle Reports from Oracle Form 12c
    Kalpataru Super Elite
    I think you have not set yet the COMPONENT_CONFIG_PATH ?
    Set COMPONENT_CONFIG_PATH in default.env file and check.
    You can find all file path of the default.env from this document https://docs.oracle.com/middleware/1221/formsandreports/deploy-forms/appc.htm#FSDEP743

    You will find your report server name from this check properly http://sanjay:9002/reports/rwservlet/showjobs

    Is your report server up and running ?
    Post here the steps how are you starting the report server ?

  • 19. Re: Calling Oracle Reports from Oracle Form 12c
    SPathak Expert
    Steps for Starting the Report Server

    1. Restart the System
    2. Start the Services Start Node Manager, Start Weblogic Admin Server,Start Weblogic Server - WLS_FORMS
    3. Open the Browser : http://sanjay:7001/em
    4. Starts - Ohs1
    5. Start - wls_Reports

    HTTP Environment Variables
    SERVER_NAME    sanjay
    SERVER_PORT    9002
    SCRIPT_NAME    /rwservlet
    SERVER_SOFTWARE    undefined
    GATEWAY_INTERFACE    undefined
    SERVER_PORT_SECURE    undefined
    ACCEPT    text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
    REMOTE_HOST    erp
    REMOTE_USER    undefined
    AUTH_TYPE    undefined
    PATH_INFO    showenv
    QUERY_STRING    undefined
    PATH_TRANSLATED    undefined
    CONTENT_LENGTH    undefined
    CONTENT_TYPE    undefined
    AUTHORIZATION    undefined
    USER-AGENT    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/45.0
    REMOTE_IDENT    undefined
    REFERER    undefined
    Oracle Reports Services - Servlet Environment Variables    
    Select to jump to the top of the page    Return to Top
    KeyMapFile    c:\app\Oracle\config\domains\erp\config\fmwconfig\servers\WLS_REPORTS\applications\reports_12.2.1\configuration\cgicmd.dat
    DBAUTH    C:\app\Oracle\product\12.2.1\reports\templates\rwdbauth.htm
    SYSAUTH    C:\app\Oracle\product\12.2.1\reports\templates\rwsysauth.htm
    server    rep_wls_reports_sanjay
    ERRORTEMPLATE    C:\app\Oracle\product\12.2.1\reports\templates\rwerror.htm
    ENCRYPTIONKEY    reports9i
    DIAGHEADTAGS    undefined
    DIAGBODYTAGS    undefined
    HELPURL    undefined
    RELOAD_KEYMAP    undefined
    IMAGEURL    http://sanjay:9002/reports/rwservlet
    Oracle Reports Services - Server and Engine Environment Variables    
    Select to jump to the top of the page    Return to Top
    PATH    C:\app\Oracle\product\12.2.1\reports\..\bin;c:\app\Oracle\config\domains\erp\bin;;C:\app\Oracle\product\122~1.1\wlserver\server\native\win\x64;C:\app\Oracle\product\122~1.1\wlserver\server\bin;C:\app\Oracle\product\122~1.1\oracle_common\modules\org.apache.ant_1.9.2\bin;C:\app\Oracle\jdk\jre\bin;C:\app\Oracle\jdk\bin;c:\app\Oracle\product\122~1.1\wlserver\server\native\win\x64;c:\app\Oracle\product\122~1.1\wlserver\server\bin;c:\app\Oracle\product\122~1.1\ORACLE~1\modules\ORGAPA~1.2\bin;C:\app\Oracle\jdk\jre\bin;C:\app\Oracle\jdk\bin;C:\app\Oracle\product\122~1.1\oui\lib\win64;C:\app\Oracle\jdk\bin;C:\PROGRA~3\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\app\Oracle\product\121~1.0\dbhome_1\BIN;C:\Windows\System32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WINDOW~1\v1.0\;C:\PROGRA~2\Skype\Phone\;C:\ERPSYS~3;C:\erp\;C:\;C:\app\Oracle\product\122~1.1\wlserver\server\native\win\x64\oci920_8;C:\app\Oracle\product\12.2.1\ReportsToolsComponent\..\oui\lib\win64;c:\app\Oracle\config\domains\erp\bin;;C:\app\Oracle\product\122~1.1\wlserver\server\native\win\x64;C:\app\Oracle\product\122~1.1\wlserver\server\bin;C:\app\Oracle\product\122~1.1\oracle_common\modules\org.apache.ant_1.9.2\bin;C:\app\Oracle\jdk\jre\bin;C:\app\Oracle\jdk\bin;c:\app\Oracle\product\122~1.1\wlserver\server\native\win\x64;c:\app\Oracle\product\122~1.1\wlserver\server\bin;c:\app\Oracle\product\122~1.1\ORACLE~1\modules\ORGAPA~1.2\bin;C:\app\Oracle\jdk\jre\bin;C:\app\Oracle\jdk\bin;C:\app\Oracle\product\122~1.1\oui\lib\win64;C:\app\Oracle\jdk\bin;C:\PROGRA~3\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\app\Oracle\product\121~1.0\dbhome_1\BIN;C:\Windows\System32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WINDOW~1\v1.0\;C:\PROGRA~2\Skype\Phone\;C:\ERPSYS~3;C:\erp\;C:\;C:\app\Oracle\product\122~1.1\wlserver\server\native\win\x64\oci920_8
    LD_LIBRARY_PATH    C:\app\Oracle\product\12.2.1\reports\..\lib;
    ORACLE_HOME    c:\app\oracle\product\12.2.1
    TNS_ADMIN    c:\app\Oracle\config\domains\erp\config\fmwconfig
    RW    C:\app\Oracle\product\12.2.1\reports
    REPORTS_PATH    C:\app\Oracle\product\12.2.1\reports\templates;C:\app\Oracle\product\12.2.1\reports\printers
    REPORTS_TMP    c:\temp
    REPORTS_TAGLIB_URI    /WEB-INF/lib/reports_tld.jar
    java.class.path    C:\app\Oracle\product\12.2.1\jdbc\lib\ojdbc6dms.jar;C:\app\Oracle\product\12.2.1\reports\jlib\rwrun.jar

    Server Information

    Reports Server rep_wls_reports_sanjay Information
    Name    rep_wls_reports_sanjay
    Security Mode    Non-secure
    Running Mode    In-process
    Host    Sanjay
    Process Id    undefined
    Start Time    03-May-2016 12:24:56
    Maximum Queue Size    1000
    Other Reports Servers in the Same Cluster   
    Select to jump to the top of the page    Return to Top
    Successful Jobs    0
    Current Jobs    0
    Future Jobs    0
    Transferred Jobs    0
    Failed Jobs    0
    Response Time(milliseconds)    0.0
    Select to jump to the top of the page    Return to Top
    Name     Process Id     Status     Running Job ID     Job Running Time (ms)     Idle Time (seconds)     Jobs Run     Life Remaining (jobs)     NLS     Total Running Time (seconds)     Total Idle Time (minutes)
    rwEng-0     7312     Ready     n/a     n/a     4267     0     50     AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8MSWIN1252     0     71


  • 20. Re: Calling Oracle Reports from Oracle Form 12c
    Kalpataru Super Elite
    You have not yet started the report server .
    Check my previous post i have already given you how to start the report server.
    1. Restart the System
    2. Start the Services Start Node Manager, Start Weblogic Admin Server,Start Weblogic Server - WLS_FORMS
    3. Open the Browser : http://sanjay:7001/em
    4. Starts - Ohs1
    5. Start - wls_Reports
    6. Start report server steps
           First start this
           C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home\user_projects\domains\base_domain\reports\bin>namingservice.bat 14021
         Then report server
         C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home\user_projects\domains\base_domain\bin\stopComponent.cmd rep_wls_reports_sanjay

    You are missing the step 6.
    Start the report server and check again.

  • 21. Re: Calling Oracle Reports from Oracle Form 12c
    SPathak Expert
    Dear kalpataru

    for namingservice.bat i am suppose to give 14021  or 9002  as WLS_REPORT PORT IS 9002.


  • 22. Re: Calling Oracle Reports from Oracle Form 12c
    Kalpataru Super Elite
    No it is not 9002 it is 14021 why because the port 14021 is the naming service port.

  • 23. Re: Calling Oracle Reports from Oracle Form 12c
    SPathak Expert

    While running the below command it gives the error

    Microsoft Windows [Version 6.3.9600]
    (c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

    C:\>C:\app\Oracle\config\domains\erp\bin\stopComponent.cmd rep_wls_reports_sanjay
    Stopping System Component rep_wls_reports_sanjay ...
    Initializing WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) ...
    Welcome to WebLogic Server Administration Scripting Shell
    Type help() for help on available commands
    Reading domain from c:/app/oracle/config/domains/erp

    Error: Cannot find System Component "rep_wls_reports_sanjay"
    Exiting WebLogic Scripting Tool.


  • 24. Re: Calling Oracle Reports from Oracle Form 12c
    Kalpataru Super Elite
    Have you created the reports tool component and report server component ?
    Create it first like this
    Start the Node Manager
    Start the web Logic admin server
    Then start the wlst.cmd command in command prompt which must run through administrator.
    Check this link https://blogs.oracle.com/proactivesupportDevTools/entry/creating_and_starting_a_standalone

    1- Execute wlst.cmd from ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin

    2- Connect to AdminServer.
       Put your correct weblogic password , host name and port .

    3- Run the following wlst command.
        Put your correct instanceName as your wish in the place of  reptools1

    B. Create the standalone reports server
    1- Execute wlst.cmd/wlst.sh from ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin

    2- Connect to the AdminServer.


    3- Run the following WLST command.
       Put your correct instanceName as your wish in the place of  rep_server1 your report server name is rep_wls_reports_sanjay
    * this will create a new standalone Reports Server named 'rep_server1'

    4- Start the Reports Server.
    Note: The examples use default credentials and ports.
    C. Start / Stop the standalone reports server
    Go to the DOMAIN_HOME/bin folder and issue any of the following commands:

    startComponent.cmd  [Reports Server Name]
    stopComponent.cmd  [Reports Server Name]

  • 25. Re: Calling Oracle Reports from Oracle Form 12c
    SPathak Expert
    Dear Kalpataru
    When i give a command C:\app\Oracle\config\domains\erp\bin\stopComponent.cmd rep_wls_reports_sanjay
    it gave a error message :

    Connecting to Node Manager ...

    <03-may-2016 17:25:34="" clock="" o="" wat=""> CryptoJ JCE Provider self-integrity check for better startup performance. To en
    able this check, specify -Dweblogic.security.allowCryptoJDefaultJCEVerification=
    <03-may-2016 17:25:34="" clock="" o="" wat=""> default Random Number Generator in RSA CryptoJ from ECDRBG128 to HMACDRBG. To di
    sable this change, specify -Dweblogic.security.allowCryptoJDefaultPRNG=true.>
    <03-may-2016 17:25:34="" clock="" o="" wat=""> figured custom SSL Hostname Verifier implementation: weblogic.security.utils.SSL
    This Exception occurred at Tue May 03 17:25:35 WAT 2016.
    weblogic.nodemanager.NMException: Received error message from Node Manager Serve
    r: [Access to domain 'erp' for user '1tCpT45HpK' denied]. Please check Node Mana
    ger log for details.
    Error: Error occurred while performing nmConnect : Cannot connect to Node Manage
    r. : Received error message from Node Manager Server: [Access to domain 'erp' fo
    r user '1tCpT45HpK' denied]. Please check Node Manager log for details.
    Use dumpStack() to view the full stacktrace :

    Exiting WebLogic Scripting Tool.


    Everything is done as per your instauction but getting this another error,
    I am sorry Mr kalpataru , for disturbing you so much , and honestly you are helping so much which i am unable to express in words.


  • 26. Re: Calling Oracle Reports from Oracle Form 12c
    Kalpataru Super Elite
    Except this stopComponent.cmd rep_wls_reports_sanjay other things are working fine or not.
    I think your error due to you have stop the node manager before stooping the report server.
    Check this link https://oraclemiddleware.wordpress.com/2012/01/15/cannot-connect-to-node-manager-access-to-domain-for-user-weblogic-deni…

    The process or steps of starting and stooping servers.
    Starting Servers
    Start the Node Manager
    Start the web Logic admin server
    Start Wls_Forms
    Start Wls_Reports
    Start namingservice.bat 14021
    Startcomponent.cmd report_server_name

    Like this you Have to stop all servers
    Stopping Servers
    Stopcomponent.cmd report_server_name
    Stop namingservice.bat 14021
    Stop Wls_Reports
    Stop Wls_Forms
    Stop the web Logic admin server
    Stop Node Manager

  • 27. Re: Calling Oracle Reports from Oracle Form 12c
    Ahmed Alwan Newbie
    Dear Kalpataru,
    I had the same problem and I followed your instructions to fix it as you can see in the attached images the current situation of the report server.
    But the problem is when I'm pressing the button to call the report the form respond but nothing come's out !!!!! no report no error message no log nothing!!!!
    I think that the report server is running just fine because the counter of successful jobs is increasing after each run!!!
    I'm so confused and I hope to get some help
    The code that I'm using is

    v_report_id              Report_Object;
    vc_report_job_id                  VARCHAR2(100);
    vc_rep_status                    VARCHAR2(100);
            v_report_id:= FIND_REPORT_OBJECT('report_node1');
            SET_REPORT_OBJECT_PROPERTY(v_report_id,REPORT_SERVER, 'rep_wls_reports_winapp');
            SET_REPORT_OBJECT_PROPERTY(v_report_id,REPORT_OTHER, 'paramform=no');
            vc_rep_status := REPORT_OBJECT_STATUS(vc_report_job_id);
            IF vc_rep_status='FINISHED' THEN
            message( vc_report_job_id );
            web.show_document ('reports/rwservlet/getjobid='|| vc_report_job_id ||'?server='|| 'rep_wls_reports_winapp','_blank');
            message ('Report failed with error message '||vc_rep_status);
            END IF;

    many thanks.1.png2.png
    Many thanks

  • 28. Re: Calling Oracle Reports from Oracle Form 12c
    BrandonZ Rookie

    If you check the jobs on the reports server, does it show as completing successfully? http://SERVERNAME:PORT/reports/rwservlet/showjobs?

    When you call web.show_document, try using the full URL. example: http://SERVERNAME:PORT/reports/rwservlet/getjobid=...........


  • 29. Re: Calling Oracle Reports from Oracle Form 12c
    Kalpataru Super Elite
    Hi Ahmed,
    If you are facing any issue the post it by creating a new thread in reports forum section.

    Try the following.
    You are passing full report job id instead of this vc_report_job_id you have cut only the job id part like this
    vc_report_job_id := substr(vc_report_job_id,instr(vc_report_job_id,'_',-1)+1)
    Your web.show_document go like this.
    WEB.Show_Document('/reports/rwservlet/getjobid'||vc_report_job_id|| '?destype=cache&desformat=pdf&server=' || 'rep_app_oracle_forms', '_blank');

    I hope this will solve your problem.
  • 30. Re: Calling Oracle Reports from Oracle Form 12c
    SPathak Expert
    Hi Kalpataru
    Step by step as per your given instruction i followed all the steps .
    When i was running the StartComponent.cmd rep_wls_reports_sanjay, it is asking about node manager password  , after giving the password it shows the following error

    Error: Error occurred while performing nmConnect : Cannot connect to Node Manage
    r. : Received error message from Node Manager Server: [Access to domain 'erp' fo
    r user '1tCpT45HpK' denied]. Please check Node Manager log for details.
    Use dumpStack() to view the full stacktrace :

    When i tried to run the command rwdiag.bat -findall it shows a error REP-50503 no server found in the network

  • 31. Re: Calling Oracle Reports from Oracle Form 12c
    Ahmed Alwan Newbie
    Thank you for replay.
    yes it does it actually show's a completing successful jobs.
  • 32. Re: Calling Oracle Reports from Oracle Form 12c
    Ahmed Alwan Newbie
    Thank you for help
    And I got it finally actually their was nothing wrong with the weblogic server . The problem was in the code that I used to call the report or maybe just restarting the report Server.
    anyway hear are the code that I used to call the reports and it worked fine.

    v_report_id                  Report_Object;                 
    vc_ReportServerJob VARCHAR2(100);
    vc_rep_status VARCHAR2(100);
    vjob_id VARCHAR2(100);
    v_report_id:= FIND_REPORT_OBJECT('vc_reportoj');--the name of the report that already attached to the form.                 
                      SET_REPORT_OBJECT_PROPERTY(v_report_id,REPORT_DESFORMAT,'PDF'--or any other format);
                      SET_REPORT_OBJECT_PROPERTY(v_report_id,REPORT_SERVER,'rep_wls_reports_winapp'--the report server in your environment usually rep_wls_reports_||machine name);
    vjob_id :=  substr(vc_ReportServerJob,instr(vc_ReportServerJob,'_',-1)+1)--thanks to Kalpataru's;
    vc_rep_status := REPORT_OBJECT_STATUS(vc_ReportServerJob);
    IF vc_rep_status = 'FINISHED' THEN --hopefully you don't need this part
    WEB.SHOW_DOCUMENT('http://localhost:9002/reports/rwservlet/getjobid'|| vjob_id ||'?server='||'rep_wls_reports_winapp','_blank');
    message ('Report failed with error message '||vc_rep_status);
    END IF;                 

1 comment:

  1. La construccion correcta del parametro es este:

    #1 - URL (http://hostname:port/reports/rwservlet?)
    #2 - UserID (userid=erp/erp@erp)
    #3 - ReportServer (server=report_servername)
    #4 - Report (report=/u02/app/system/rep/report.rep)
    #5 - Format (desformat=htmlcss)
    #6 - type (destype=cache)


    La construccion del url final tiene que ser esta:



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