Wednesday, September 25, 2019

How to show profile picture in top right Conner in oracle apex

1. Table Scripts
 create table emp1
  EMPNO                                              NUMBER(4)
 ,ENAME                                              VARCHAR2(10)
 ,HIREDATE                                           DATE
 ,IMAGE                                              BLOB
 ,IMG_TYP                                            VARCHAR2(100)
 ,IMG_NM                                             VARCHAR2(100)

2. Create application item in sharecomponnent
Name          :  FILE_ID
Condition     : Unrestricted

3. Create Application Processes

Name          : GETIMAGE
Process Point : Ajax Callback: Run this application process when requested by a page process.

PL/SQL Anonymous Block Code

    for c1 in (select * from emp1
                where EMPNO = :FILE_ID) loop
        sys.owa_util.mime_header( c1.img_typ, FALSE );
        sys.htp.p('Content-length: ' || sys.dbms_lob.getlength( c1.IMAGE));
        sys.htp.p('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' || c1.img_nm || '"' );
        sys.htp.p('Cache-Control: max-age=3600');  -- tell the browser to cache for one hour, adjust as necessary
        sys.wpg_docload.download_file( c1.IMAGE );
    end loop;

Shared ComponentsList\ Details\ Create Entry
Template : Nabigation Bar
         : Check Transalator
first row paste
<img style="width:42px;height:42px;border-radius: 50px;" class="t-Icon a-Icon" src="f?p=&APP_ID.:0:&APP_SESSION.:APPLICATION_PROCESS=GETIMAGE:::FILE_ID:&APP_USER.">


<img style="width:30px;height:30px;" class="t-Icon a-Icon" src="f?p=&APP_ID.:0:&APP_SESSION.:APPLICATION_PROCESS=GETIMAGE:::FILE_ID:&APP_USER.">

Theme Roller  CSS for remove background box in oracle apex...

.t-Button--navBar .t-Button-badge { border-radius: 16px; background-color: #0076df; }

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