Friday, October 11, 2019

cgicmd.bat report run

file location E:\wapp\config\domains\base_domain\config\fmwconfig\servers\WLS_REPORTS\applications\reports_12.2.1\configuration

;pdfenhancements:    userid=oe report=utf8test.rdf destype=cache desformat=pdf

quiumdba: server=rep_wls_reports_ipihr userid=hr/i@orcl destype=cache desformat=pdf paramform=no %*
quiumdbaexl: server=rep_wls_reports_ipihr userid=hr/i@orcl destype=cache desformat=spreadsheet paramform=no %*

;                                                 ;
; OracleAS Reports Services                       ;
; CGICMD.DAT                                      ;
;                                                 ;
; Example CGICMD.DAT Mapping file                 ;
;                                                 ;
; Syntax: 
;      KEY : VALUE
; Where:
; KEY - the first argument of the rwservlet URL request (case sensitive).
; VALUE - command line parameters and/or special parameters.
; Keys can be referenced in the following ways:
;    1. Parameter on command line to the reports servlet
;          e.g. http://machine/servlet/rwservlet?KEY
;    2. Parameter on command line to a reports jsp
;          e.g. http://machine/mydir/myreport.jsp?KEY
;    3. Within a reports jsp - in the rw:report custom tag
;          e.g. <rw:report parameters="KEY">
; In addition to the Reports Server command line parameters, VALUE can include special parameters
; represented as "%X", where X identifies the parameter. Currently recognized special
; parameters:
;  %0 - %9 - 0..9 arguments from original rwservlet URL request. Note that %0 refers to the key itself.
;  %* - entire contents (all arguments) of original rwservlet URL request.
;  %D - request users to input database userid everytime they run the report.
;  %P - request for report parameter form in HTML format. It generates the PARAMFORM=HTML
;       construction on the first submission of the URL and PARAMFORM=NO upon parameter form submission.
; CGICMD.DAT Usage Notes
;   1. Multiple keys in this file MUST be separated by an EXTRA empty line.
;   2. Extra spaces are ignored. Multi-line entries allowed.
;   3. Lines starting with ";" character are treated as a comments.
;   4. Comments within a key or key value are NOT allowed.
;   5. NLS language support is provided and can be used (encoding should match the one
;      used in HTML request - no language conversion of any kind is attempted.
;   6. For %P special parameter, HTML format is by default mapped to the HTMLTABLE format in this release.
;      The HTML format in the future may be mapped to the HTMLCSS format.
;;;;;;;;;;;; Example Key Entries
;  Example 1:  Run a simple breakb report and output to HTML
orqa: report=breakb.rdf destype=cache desformat=html server=repserver

; Example 2: prompt for userid the first time, then use database userid stored in the cookie subsequently.
report_defaultid: report=breakb.rdf destype=cache desformat=html server=repserver

; Example 3: use %D to require user authentication every time
report_secure: report=breakb.rdf destype=cache desformat=html server=repserver %D

; Example 4:  Take all arguments from URL and send it to the reports server
run: %*

; Example 5:  Run breakb report with HTML parameter form.
breakbparam : report=breakb.rdf destype=cache desformat=html server=repserver userid=scott/tiger@mydb %P

; Example 6: take all URL arguments, and also generate a HTML parameter form 
runp: %* %P

; Example 7: Run an Express Report. Replace <MYHOST> with the name of the machine running the Express server. The
; builder on-line help explains the rest of the parameters (the /sl, st etc. etc.)
express: report=my_expr_rep express_server="server=ncacn_ip_tcp:<MYHOST>/sl=1/st=1/ct=0/sv=1/" desformat=htmlcss userid=scott/tiger@mydb destype=cache server=repserver

;;;;;;;;;;;; Keys for Reports Demos
; Using default/in-process server.
; JSPs
;charthyperlink_ias: userid="scott/tiger@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=%DBHOSTNAME%)(PORT=%DBPORT%))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=%DBSID%)))" %*

;charthyperlink_ids: userid=scott/tiger@ %*

;barcodeweb:         userid=oe

;parmformjsp:        userid=oe

;tutorial:           userid=oe

; Paper Reports
;xmldata:            userid=oe report=inventory_report.rdf destype=cache p_filelocation="http://%HOSTNAME%:%OC4JPORT%/reports/examples/xml_pds/scripts/" desformat=pdf

;barcodepaper:       userid=oe report=shippingmanifest.rdf destype=cache desformat=pdf

;distributionpaper:  userid=oe report=inventory_report_dist.rdf distribute=yes destination=exampledistribution.xml

;pdfenhancements:    userid=oe report=utf8test.rdf destype=cache desformat=pdf

quiumdba: server=rep_wls_reports_ipihr userid=jpldba/j@ipihr destype=cache desformat=pdf paramform=no %*
quiumdbaexl: server=rep_wls_reports_ipihr userid=ipihr/i@ipihr destype=cache desformat=spreadsheet paramform=no %*



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