Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Instance change Oracle APEX 5 ADMIN Password

Approach I
Login SYS user as SYSDBA to the database
Run @apxchpwd.sql
Follow the instructions and update or reset the password for ADMIN user.

Approach II
Login SYS user as SYSDBA to the database.
Execute following command, to get user_id of the ADMIN user.

select user_id
from apex_050000.wwv_flow_fnd_user
where lower(user_name) = 'admin'
order by last_update_date desc;
-- use the appropriate user of the APEX, in my case it is APEX_050000.

-- to format user_id value.
column user_id format 99999999999999999

3. Run the following command to reset the password.

update apex_050000.www_flow_fnd_user
set web_password = '#YOUR_NEW_PASSWORD#'
where lower(user_name) = 'admin'
and user_id = '#USER_ID_FROM_PREVIOUS_QUERY#';


4. If user got locked.

  apex_050000.wwv_flow_security.g_security_group_id := 10;

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