Sunday, August 16, 2020

Backup from Linux oracle database .bat


@echo off

REM Export Full database with auto filename for dump and log

REM This batch file will create the dump and log files in the same directory as of batch

REM File name syntax --> <SCHEMANAME>_<DD>_<MM>_<YYYY>

REM Auther: Deepu Mohan P,

REM Created:  07-Sep-2009

REM Modified: 30-Sep-2009, 01-Oct-2009

REM Get user credentials

REM set /p schema=ipihr: 

REM set /p pwd=i: 

REM set /p sid=Xpharma: 

set  schema=%ipihr

set  pwd=%i 

set  sid=%Xpharma


ECHO =======================================================

ECHO Starting Oracle Database Backup

ECHO =======================================================

REM Following block is for getting the year, month and day

REM ======================================================

   FOR /f "tokens=2-4 skip=1 delims=(-)" %%G IN ('echo.^|date') DO (

      FOR /f "tokens=2 delims= " %%A IN ('date /t') DO (

         SET v_first=%%G

         SET v_second=%%H

         SET v_third=%%I

         SET v_all=%%A



      SET %v_first%=%v_all:~0,2%

      SET %v_second%=%v_all:~3,2%

      SET %v_third%=%v_all:~6,4%

REM =====================================================

REM exp %schema%/%pwd%@%sid% FILE=E:\JNP_%user%_%dd%_%mm%_%yy%.dmp log=%user%_%dd%_%mm%_%yy%.log

REM compress=N rows=Y grants=Y buffer=500000 FULL=Y statistics=NONE

E:\app\Administrator\product\12.2.0\dbhome_1\bin\exp ipihr/i@pharma FILE=E:\HR_Backup\IPIHR_%user%_%dd%_%mm%_%yy%.dmp log=E:\HR_Backup\IPIHR%user%_%dd%_%mm%_%yy%.log

compress=N rows=Y grants=Y buffer=500000 FULL=Y statistics=NONE

ECHO =======================================================

ECHO Completed Database Backup

ECHO =======================================================


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