Saturday, November 14, 2020

TOAD hotkeys

Toad is useful tool for DB administrators.
F2Toggle Full screen Editor
Shift+F2Toggle Full screen grid
F3Find Next Occurrence
Shift+F3Find Previous Occurrence
F4Describe Table,View,Procedure,Function,or Package in popup window
F5Editor: Execute as script
F6Toggle between Editor and Results panel
F7Clear All Text, Trace Into in the Editor
F8Recall previous SQL statement in the Editor, Step Over in the Editor for PL/SQL debugging
F9Execute statement in the SQL editor,Compile in the Editor
Ctrl+F9Verify statement without execution (parse) in the Editor, Set Parameters in the Editor for PL/SQL debugging
Shift+F9Execute current statement at cursor in the Editor, Execute Current Source in the Editor without PL/SQL debugging
F10Popup Menu
F11Run (continue execution) in the Procedure Editor for PL/SQL debugging
F12Run to cursor in the Editor for PL/SQL debugging.
Ctrl+F12Pass the SQL or Editor contents to the specified External Editor (Specified in Options Editors).
Ctrl+ASelect All Text
Ctrl+Alt+BDisplay the PL/SQL Debugger Breakpoints window
Ctrl+DDisplay procedure parameters
Ctrl+Alt+DDisplay the PL/SQL Debugger DBMS Output window
Ctrl+EExecute Explain Plan on the Current Statement
Ctrl+Alt+EDisplay the PL/SQL Debugger Evaluate/Modify window
Ctrl+FFind Text
Ctrl+GGoto Line
Ctrl+LConvert Text to Lowercase
Ctrl+MMake Code Statement
Ctrl+NRecall Named SQL Statement
Ctrl+OOpens a Text File
Ctrl+PStrip Code Statement
Ctrl+RFind and Replace
Shift+Ctrl+RUses the ALIASES.TXT file to substitute the alias with the associated table name
Ctrl+SSaves File
Shift+Ctrl+SSave File As
Ctrl+Alt+SDisplay the PL/SQL Debugger Call Stack window
Ctrl+TColumns Dropdown
Ctrl+UConverts Text to Uppercase
Ctrl+Alt WDisplay the PL/SQL Debugger Watches window
Ctrl+ZUndo Last Change
Shift+Ctrl+ZRedo Last Undo
Alt+UPDisplay Previous Statement
Alt+DOWNDisplay Next Statement (after Alt UP)
Ctrl+HOMEIn the data grids, goes to the top of the recordset
Ctrl+ENDIn the data grids, goes to the end of the recordset
Ctrl+TABCycles through the collection of MDI Child windows
Ctrl+ENTERExecute current SQL (same as Shift+F9)
Ctrl+. (Ctrl+period)Autocompletes tablenames

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