Thursday, February 4, 2021

Basic Linux Commands use more

 cd /                           --- change dricatory

df k                           --- use available

cat /proc/meninfo/             --- memory info
cat /proc/cpuinfo/             --- cpu info

pwd   --- Present working directory view drictory where is my loaction
cd /  --- go to root

ll    --- view below below
ls -a
ls -larth

mkdir dba131
cd dba131/

touch test.txt   ---file create
vi test.txt      ---write file & press
i                ---write mode
w                ---save
w!               ---save forcely
q                ---exit
q!               ---exit forcely
wq               ---save & exit
wq!              ---save & exit forcely
x                ---save & exit
cat test.txt     ---file data view
vi test.txt      ---file data view

groupadd dba131               ---group create
useradd -q dba131 dba131      ---group ar user
id dba131                     ---dba131 group ar info view
su -dba131                    ---login dba131 user a

ls -lart /dba131/                ---dba131 user ar woner view

chown dba131:dba131 /dba131/     ---give woner ship root to ship only dir woner permission
chown -R dba131:dba131 /dba131/  ---give woner ship root to ship dir & sub dir woner & all files permission

network set up
ifconfig                       --- view ip on linux pc
setup                          --- setup commands

follow step by step

service network restart        --- network service restart

install vncserver for view graphically  linux desktop

cd /
mount                     ---seting rpm of vncserver

cd /media/RHEL-6.8\ Server.x86_64/Packages/
ls                            ---list
ls -larh *tiger*              --- vnc software
rpm -ivh tigervnc-server-1.1.0-18.e16.x86_64.rpm

-----vnc server install & connection fail then stop iptables
----- iptables like as firewall

iptables -nL
iptables -F
service iptables off
service iptables stop
chkconfig iptables off

ps -ef |grep vnc        ---view all vnc destop server run in machine

yum install(local)

follow yum scripts in folder

yum list      ----view yum list

du -sh                                ----view disk size
du -sh /media/RHEL-6.8\ Server.x86_64/Packages/


init 0     ---shutdown
init 6     ---restart

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